Yooo what up guys? It’s Prime ApoLLo you know what I’m sayin’?
I just thought I’d make this “About” page on my website to let some of you get to know me a little.
Thanks Captain Obvious.
I guess I’ll start off when I first got into Hip Hop/Trap music.
In 2014, I was a junior in high-school and I got my first car. A 2006 silver Ford Taurus. That car was wack bro, but I had good times with it.
I always heard my classmates leaving school with bass booming from their car, and I wanted to be obnoxious like them.
But, I didn’t know what kinda music they were playing in their car.
So, I had to do a little research and that’s when I found the song that would change my music taste forever…
Future – Low Life ft. The Weeknd
When I tell you my windows, mirrors, seats, and car doors were shaking, that is an understatement.
I got obsessed with finding hip-hop music with hard 808s after that.
Fast forward to 2017 that’s when I had that “ah ha” moment that someone is making those beats.
I was entering my dorm from a late night with some friends in college, and this guy was making beats at the front desk.
That night I searched on google “music software to make beats.”
I experimented with some of the worst DAW’s known to man.
I found Fl Studio (insert heavenly choir)
And so begins my artist/producer journey
And I’m just getting started…